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pu cold room panel भारत

It never occurs to you how your fridge maintains everything fresh and cold. Because of these fantastic PU Cold Room Panels! These unique panels are created using a specific foam known as Polyurethane or PU simply and they have been developed to allow the cold air to be trapped with an absolute seal. It helps the air conditioning unit not to work as hard, and yes you want it too because that also keeps your food cold but also saves on energy costs!

PU Cold Room Panels are not hard to recognise with their applications in different fields such as restaurants, supermarkets, medical institutions and research labs. They are popular for their at least initial permanance and they can easily be fitted to suit any space. These panels are also green, functioning on very low power.

    Importance of PU Cold Room Panels

    PU COLD ROOM PANELS ( POLYURETHANE )The use of PU Cold Room Panels has numerous benefits. Food storage bags also serve as a key agent in keeping various kinds of stored food fresh and safe by upholding it at the proper climate that prohibits growth or contamination. They also help lower energy usage, leading to lower utility bills. The ability to customize treatment rooms in size and shape, this accessory allows you the flexibility of tailoring your space uniquely to suit your health care needs.

    Why choose SDQIGONG pu cold room panel?

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